no stun locks. was hoping to use it in pvp. would like a refund. ur rogue script was nice for vanilla
Schaka responded1 year ago
It says no refunds before you buy it and it's a leveling script. Everything for PvP is marked as such. Definitely not getting a refund for leaving a bad review rather than just contacting me.
Well, there's a lack of instructions on how to use it, then tells you to buy more keys. No way for a refund. Very negative experience and deeply disturbed
Schaka responded2 years ago
You open the fightclass settings and add the order id. The instructions are on the WRobot forums literally before you even purchase. It's not a plugin.
Hi, i like how it can handle multiplie mobs! When it comes to singletarget it plays very manaheavy so i think the downtime is not optimal.. disabling using immolate (settings false) is not working
10/10. I always check my toon while farming honor, and its always scoring higher than 2/3s of my team in terms of damage and HKs. Schaka wins the internet! Congratulations!