kept saying my ip was changing and it never worked, even bought new wrobot to make sure sessions were at zero and started it up, put my code in and same exact thing. dedicated and locked IP and all =/
It works perfectly including the lowest levels, there is one or two stuck and it keeps crashing, but the grindeo is super efficient, in 2 days I uploaded a 1-45 pj completely afk.
False advertising. This requires me to check the bot once every 10 minutes to make sure it's not stuck or in a travel/suicide loop. Had to play 80% manually as it's unreliable.
About what you expect, it does all the quests for the zones. Probably meant for 1x rates as any increased rates will have you editing out some of the quests but the product does what it says it does.
Its fine until try iron, goes to loch modan to leqrn skill, ground mount to arathi, fails to pickup fp loops over back to loch modan to leqrn skill, repeats
Bambo responded5 years ago
Hello. it says on and on that I am not responsible for flighmaster and suggest to turn it off.