$o = new \RocketrPayments\Order();
$o->setNotes('This is an test note');
$o->setBuyerEmail('[email protected]');
$o->addCustomField('internal_id', '2195342212');
$result = $o->createOrder();
echo 'Please send ' . $result['paymentInstructions']['amount'] . $result['paymentInstructions']['currencyText'] . ' to ' . $result['paymentInstructions']['address'];
"success": true,
"paymentInstructions": {
"amount": 0.002457,
"address": "16Esi8BCkmuAzftK3KwSL1g3YrejD4GE13",
"confirms": 3,
"currencyText": "BTC",
"qrImage": "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=300x300&cht=qr&chl=bitcoin:16Esi8BCkmuAzftK3KwSL1g3YrejD4GE13?amount=0.002457",
"orderIdentifier": "4a58bdfd9e89"
"orderIdentifier": "4a58bdfd9e89",
"invoiceIdentifier": "i_ef29d1eab46f",
"links": {
"invoice": "https://rocketr.net/invoice/i_ef29d1eab46f"
Rocketr allows you to accept multiple payment methods under on roof. From Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin to Paypal and Stripe and more.
With Rocketr Payments integration is made as simple as point and click then copy and paste. It's that quick!
We pride ourselves on great customer support. Our dedicated integration engineers and support staff are there every step of the way.
With an industry low fee of 0.50% on all Rocketr Payments transactions you can't afford to miss out!