Lightning Dragon ⚡ RPG BOSS ⚡

Lightning Dragon ⚡ RPG BOSS ⚡

Tested on 1.12.2Plugin Dependencies - Mythicmobs | Libsdisguise | MythicmobsAddon | GlowAPIName: Saika (You can change the name)Description: This is an anime inspired boss from the anime "Fairytail". This boss is VERY op, if you plan on fighting it with regular items/solo then you will die easily.Stats:- HP: 3500 (Configurable)- Damage: 5 (Has Buffs/Skills)- Weakness: Nothing- Knockback Resistance: 0%- Movement Speed: 0.20 (configurable)Skills:- Dragon Mode - - Clawing Waves » Slashes area around him dealing damage to players in the radius which he slashes in.- Claw Attack » Slashes at a target in his radius, acts like a projectile, this is dodgeable- Contains most of the dragon roars- Dragon Mode Passives -- Lightning Ring » Strikes lightning at players and damages them- DragonScales » Gains Resistance- BitingMisery » Flies quickly to target biting them and damaging them- Half Dragon Mode -- Paralyzing Waves » Lets out a huge wave of particles stunning and damaging players in the radius near the Lightning Dragon- Thunder Clap » Claps his hands together to create waves of electricity, damages players in the radius near the Lightning Dragon- Black,Red,Yellow Lightning Combo » Combines all the different colors of lightning and shoots it at a target. There are times where it will be more powerful- Ultimate Lightning Spear » Throws a spear made of lightning and damages target if it hits (stronger than the regular Lightning Spear)- Lightning Field » Has a field of lightning protecting the Lightning Dragon, stunning and damaging any players that come in. (Stronger version of Static Field)- Lightning Claw Dash » Leaps to a target and slashes them with his claws- Red Lightning Magic | Invis » Runs at the speed of lightning and summons lightning upon the target he's running to- Chains of the Lightning Dragon » Chains down Players near him and drags them to him damaging them- Chains of the Lightning Dragon + ThunderJaw » Pulls players to him, jumps, and leaps down to deal a devastating lightning blow to the players on the ground- Mixed Lightning Roar » Sends out a projectile made of particles to the target- Golden Lightning Roar » Sends out a projectile made of particles to the target- Static Orb » Summons an orb of electricity on itself and zaps players around him- Lightning Dragon Spirit » Shoots a spirit made of lightning to a target, this is a missile projectile, which means it will follow the player- Lightning Discharge » Sends out waves of lightning, damaging players in that discharged area- Red Lightning Magic Circle - Unleashes Red Lightning on a target- Lightning Control » Shoots a projectile that will follow a target around until it hits- Lightning Dragon Dashing Technique » Dashes all around a target at the speed of lightning throwing and smiting them- Lightning Discharge Special » Shoots out black,red,yellow lightning all around him and discharges a shock of electricity damaging players near him- Human Mode -- Lightning Spear » Throws a spear made of lightning and damages the target if it hits- Static Field » Has a field of lightning protecting the Lightning Dragon, stunning and damaging any players that come in.- Clawing Dash » Leaps to a target and slashes them with his bare hands- Fire Lightning Roar » Sends out a projectile made of fire and yellow particles to the target- Shadow Lightning Roar » Sends out a projectile made of black and yellow particles to the target- Lightning Hydra Roar » Sends out a projectile made of purple particles to the target- Lightning Jaw » Leaps up and lands down with a devastating blow of lightning, knocks players back and damages them- Lightning Dragon King's Razor Lightning » Summons explosions of lightning near him- Speed of Lightning » Runs at the speed of lightning to a target and hits them/throws them- Red Lightning Dragon Roar » Sends a red projectile to a target- Lightning Dragon Roar » Roars out an explosive/yellow projectile to a target- Lightning Magic Circle » Summons a magic circle on a target and smites them/damages them- Lightning Magic Invis » Goes invisible because he runs at the speed of lightning- Lightning Ring » Summons a magic circle on a target and smites them with lightning- Red Lightning Control » This skill comes in to play when the Lightning Dragon first spawns in. He shoots out a red projectile that follows a target, then attacks them very fast, making the target unable to function correctly and making them bleed- Lightning Dragon Special Mobe (Human Mode) » Summons a 4 layer magic circle on a target, stuns the target and damages them over time with lightning- Passives -- Lightning Fist » Covers his hands/claws with lightning and hits a target for more damage- Red Lightning Fist » More powerful than Lightning Fist but functions the same with red particles- Lightning Consumption » Eats lightning for HP- Lightning Speed » Gains Speed- Lightning Strength » Gains Strength- Lightning Magic Strength » Gains Magical Strength- Lightning Regeneration Speed » Gains Regeneration Speed- Lightning Defense » Gains Resistance- Smiting Death » Summons lightning upon targets near him and damaging them pushing them away- Lightning Ray » Summons waves of lightning to players around him, stunning them- Lightning » Smites players near him- Lightning Dragon Bleed » Makes the target bleed/take damage over time- Half Dragon Mode » Occurs when the lightning dragon human form is below 1511 HP- Full Dragon Mode » Occurs when the lightning dragon half mod form is below 500 HPEquipment:- NothingFeatures:- Senseable- Prevent other drops, item pickup and, random equipment- auto despawn: true- VERY cool particle effects to some skills that it hasNOTE: Everything in this mob is customizable -- I am not a person to assist with ANY help on how to change everything, but on the official plugin website they can help you out a lot. OUR ASSISTANCE will not be guaranteed to help you change all the damage, health, names, drops, etc.YOU can only pay through paypal.*YOU NEED LIBSDISGUISE TO FUNCTION THE SKIN PROPERLY*IMPORTANT NOTE: I made the Full dragon hitbox customly, so each hit will register as 12 damage EVERY hit even though your weapon is stronger than that. This is configurable. The Full Dragon Mode is also experimental.This Boss should work 1.12-above (if not please contact me)If you have any problems with this mob please message me on the site OR contact me on the discord *PLEASE*.Discord - FsQ#0842


Product TypeFile
File Typeapplication/zip
File Size14.39 KB

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