What if my currency is not supported? How can I get paid?

What if my currency is not supported? How can I get paid?

If your currency is not supported, you can still get paid via cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin. Additionally, if you want to receive a FIAT amount, you can choose to have the payment converted to a stablecoin (USDC, USDT, BUSD). Stablecoins, such as USD, USDT, BUSD, are a type of cryptocurrency whose value is tied to USD. For example 1 USDC represents 1 US Dollar $1. Stablecoins help control cryptocurrency volatility an allow you make blockchain transactions withougt worrying too much about price fluctuations.


If your native currency is not supported, you can choose to have all incoming payments converted to a stablecoin. Then you can convert the stablecoin to the currency of your choice. Because the stablecoins we support  are tied to US Dollars, the only price fluctuations you will notice is the fluctuation between US Dollars and your native currency.

in Automatic Currency Conversions